A thesis coach focuses specifically on postgraduate students, specifically those navigating the thesis phase of their qualification. They provide the following services through individual one-on-one coaching sessions:
This is your time to step up where others are slowing down; your time to dig deep for the final sprint, and your time to demonstrate mental strength. This is tenacity, the ability to keep going when others give up.
• The benefits of a tried and tested methodology for success.
• Accurate direction towards your deadline.
• A proven toolkit of the steps you need to take.
• Individual support and motivation.
• The confidence to establish control of the process.
• Experienced and qualified help is available.
• A tried and tested methodology is on the table.
• Individual support.
• Renew your motivation.
• You have sufficient time and motivation to excel.
• You can benefit from a proven methodology and individual support.
• A distinction is realistically within grasp.
All sessions can be conducted virtually or face-to-face.